Vocab for COVID

Our language may be suffering from the 2020 menace that is COVID-19 as well. Here’s a short list of words and phrases I will be happy to never hear again.

pandemic – “A new illness or strain of disease often causes a pandemic. Since our bodies have little or no immunity (protection) against it, it spreads quickly.” Oh how I yearn for an old, understood disease.

flatten the curve

social distance (noun? which is it, social or distant?)

you’re muted or unmute yourself (if you don’t do Zoom meetings, this will sound weird)

virtual, as in a meeting or entertainment or education (why do they call it virtual when that’s the last thing being online is?)

Wear a mask, put on your mask, you must wear mask, masks are required, no one will be admitted without a mask

Follow the science 

Chloroquine – a Google search reveals that it is a low-cost drug that has been in use for decades. Discovered in in 1934, it is the synthetic version of quinine, an antimalarial drug derived from the bark of the cinchona tree. And in additon it can also be good for Hemorrhoids. (not kidding)