Talking to art

   It all starts here. Cardboard grabbed from the trash. Next the wing is fleshed out with newspaper and masking tape. The process is duplicated and now we have a pair of wings. Yay! Time for paste. Lots and lots of paste. 

Add Gesso, 2 layers of paint and sealer. Attach hangers made of paper clips and it’s time to sell.

I thought they looked great in my booth at a local shop. Hmmm. No takers, so maybe move them to the ceiling like they were flying. Nah. Booth closed. 

Maybe they needed a frame? I mounted the wings on a 24″ x 24″ canvas and displayed them in a nearby gallery. No sale.

A popup neighborhood show. Lots of wonderful compliments. Still for sale so tried an interior design firm. Another nope. 

So I asked the wings WHERE did they want to be and here’s what they “said”. Ditch the canvas and hang above my bed. I am glad I listened. They are just perfect there.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Pam

    Might they are hung backwards? Coud that be bad luck or may that is just upside down….

  2. Maurice Powers-turner

    Your wings had the right idea!!! Above the bed is perfect🥰😇

  3. Maurice Powers-turner

    BTW, my art talks to me too!!😬

  4. Barb

    Perfect anywhere but maybe they were always meant to be yours. 💙

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