Finnegan Begin Again

Good grief. There’s evidence in writing on this site of my fits and starts of this blog in 2020 and then again in 2021. I’ve decided to pick up my pencil and start again. 

Last February I wrote a blog about blogger’s block – it’s a cheery explanation of my return to the online page titled She’s Back! The return of my muse. Not so fast.

Before that in October of 2020 I wrote a blog about COVID. It was OK to be snarky about such a serious subject because it was on its way out. Not so fast. Everything I can say about the virus has been said. COVID Redux and Redux and…

Not exactly a blank slate. I bravely looked back over the blogs I have written only to discover (horrors!) a typo. It glared at me as if I was looking in the mirror before a big date and had noticed a new pimple. There are some things I do not ever want to revisit from my teens and that instant imploding of self-confidence is one of them. At least not everyone notices the typo – or DO they?