You are what you…

Some people believe you are what you eat. I say you are what you read. A recent blog by Austin Kleon featured this image from the wisdom of the late Amy Krouse Rosenthal. It rang so true it sent me straight to the library to order her Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. What I pay attention to is often a book.


So what do the books I checked out say about me? The obvious conclusion is that I have the same love of biographies that I had in elementary school. I am drawn to the lives of people who have overcome hard times, doubtful ventures and still believed in themselves through serious failures.

My book choices show my love of reading and writing. Also that I am trying to expand my reading genres by including authors I have never read like (gasp!), Ray Bradbury. Good thing I am one of those bizarr-o bookworm nerds that reads more than one book at a time.