You have seen those maps which help you find your location with a “You are here” arrow. I cannot translate the directions from my spot. It doesn’t matter whether the map is of a shopping mall or a state park. My brain just has a hard time pinpointing exactly where I am in relation to my surroundings.
Much like watching a rental videotape backwards (being rewound because it was required before returning), I have to rewind to get back to my point. Which was where am I? Not physically, but otherwise? I discovered a brilliant and fun way to do it when I found the Sorted Books Project by Nina Katchadourian. She tells stories from the books in a collection.
I used the books I have read recently to tell me a story.
I am here
Here’s the story my books tell. Actually, a pretty good sketch of the lessons I learned to create this website and have the courage to make it live.
- Keep going Steal like an artist
- Find your artistic voice
- I don’t know WordPress
- What to do when it’s your turn To sell is human
- Life is a verb
- The dead ladies project big magic