Slim Jim Sandwich Anyone?

We grew up in a town with a local, family-owned bread bakery. It was a staple of school field trips and their white bread was a staple of every home. Before we demanded so much from our bread, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on soft and squishy white bread was lunch to a whole generation of mid-century children.



I don’t remember spinach, peanut butter and dressing being a kid favorite. Or ground carrots with celery, nuts and dressing. Was there a child who asked for
a cottage cheese sandwich in their lunchbox? 




Look at all the possibilities! Chicken livers mashed with cream and cheese. Peanut butter with cream cheese. Flaked cooked fish, minced green pepper and dressing begs the question, is there an uncooked fish sandwich? I would have assumed the BLT called for the bacon to be cooked first, but who knows?

It’s fun to read vintage recipes.  As a copywriter I love the bravado of “meat sandwiches are met with a cheer”. Sounds like a Slim Jim sandwich. YEA!

They are a window to the time they were popular. Just look at the amount of “shrimps” for four servings – 1/2 cup. This sandwich is indeed a royal choice with both seafood and chicken livers. A surf and turf sandwich?

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Jill

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Or throw up!!!

    1. jerigale

      I say laugh and make yourself a sandwich!

  2. Barb

    Cheese Whiz and apple jelly, better than it sounds, but only on white bread.

    1. jerigale

      It would HAVE to be better than it sounds!

  3. Pam

    Gross. The only acceptable lunch sandwich was oleo and jelly on white.

    1. jerigale

      Do I hear a collective Ewww?

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