Really random

These really random posts are the equivalent of going outside for a smoke break. I quit smoking years ago, but they were useful to take a quick break, change my surroundings and regroup. So…being so weary of scary current events and listening to everyone argue with everyone else about everything, consider the subject of rooms for Grandma. HUH?

House design often reflects social change. There was a time when lots of relatives lived together. Even in my own family  there were multiple generations under one roof. Rooms were not designated as such, if someone needed a place to live they made room. During the second World War there was a call for local housing for soldiers. My grandmother took in a soldier to live with them. It was a small house, but they made it work.  

The suburbs were designed for the modern family – just the immediate family. Even still, many of our suburban neighbors had a grandparent living with them. There wasn’t a grandparent room per se. Nothing as chic as today’s, “…includes mother-in-law suite!” As that generation left us, our rooms took on more specific purposes. The bonus room was a big seller.  A “spare” room was a must have for potential visitors. My great grandparents would have wondered why on earth anyone would have an empty, unused room.

Along the thinking that our homes are a refelction of the way we live, now many new homes include a home office. These are genuinely useful as we change the way we go to work. Even I have one. You would call it a laptop.

Any predictions for the next home design feature? I vote for a room with no cell phone service, connectivity, or TV reception. It will serve as a personal timeout space. Like a mental smoke break.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Barb

    Former smoker, former migraine sufferer and current owner of two year-old kittens. We have a few thing in common.

    1. jerigale

      More than a few and glad to know although not surprised!

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