Signs by hand

One of the things I liked about picking trips was that they appealed to the part of me that feels comfortable when I am free to meander . Unlike shopping in carefully merchandised indoor spaces, yard and highway sales are just simpler and more relaxed. Most sales were outdoors. Sometimes it was miserably cold or hot and humid and who cared if we were wearing makeup?  We bought vintage treasures from church parking lots, tables on the shoulder of a road, front yards and even porches. Price tags were not always displayed, a bit of bargaining was expected and we brought our own bags or boxes for packing up our purchases. Imagine a world where cash rules the day and receipts are rarely  offered.

I was especially attracted to handmade signs. Some were on cardboard, some on wood and even one was painted on a sheet. There is something basic about a sign that serves the purpose, period. Nothing fancy. Just use what you have. Even when letters when missing like the one above, we got the message. If you’d like to see more signs from our travels, please visit