Things I learned on the way to looking up other things in a dictionary*:
There is a creature called an Aardwolf – A hyena-like animal found in East Africa. What it lacks in beauty, it makes up in loyalty because the male is monogamous.
There are 5 entries for the word Georgian. 1 for someone from Georgia (in Russia), 1 for their language, 1 for someone from Georgia (in U.S.), 1 for an adjective describing someone from Georgia (in U.S.) and one as an adjective relating to the time of King George.
A locofoco was a radical Democratic party begun in New York City political conflict in 1935. Interestingly, the other definition is a match capapble of igniting by friction. Hmmm.
Dystopian is defined as an “anti-utopia” (and originated circa 1950). No existential fear before then?
The three-spined sticklefish is a small fresh-water fish that has three doral spines. Really? Truth in advertising.
*Thanks to Austin Kleon for the reminder to open my dictionary and take a swim in words.