Ads on stuff

The first vintage item I purchased was a container that advertised Milk-Bone dog treats. Maybe that is why I loved finding anything that advertisers created to remind us to buy something. Today we call that branding. Seeing what remains – whether it’s a ESSO cup (a chain of filling stations, not the Tony of cereal fame) ads) or a packet of WITCH brand pins – tells us something about ourselves. Even a product that has become a no-no like Salem cigarettes stilll tells a story. 

Sometimes we encounted large metal signs.  Who doesn’t know what Elsie the cow is selling or that a boy wearing a Coke bottle cap wants us to buy a soft drink even without the giant hint.

Sometimes the appeal is meant for children. Sometimes the object is multi-purpose like the Yankees combination popcorn holder and megaphone. Or the paper fan with a scorecard on the back.

And just for fun, here’s a guy with a top hat, gloves and a monocle you’ll instantly recognize and an ad from a time when menthol was still cool.